Tiffany and I continue our conversation from the last blog post, which, if you haven’t read, you can catch up on here. Yes, we talk about sex, but we also talk about mental health and surviving the pandemic. Keep reading!
The questions…
Is that *you* that we see out there on Facebook? Or not? Do you ever wish you could have your public presence and then also a private presence where shit gets really real?
Emily: I’mma jump in here first, haha. I know that sometimes I just want to start a conversation about orgasms, but I can’t, because #society and #manners, and people just can’t handle it. They think they can, but then they’d get all squirrely and throw their phones across the room.
Tiffany: What you see on Facebook? It’s me. I don’t know how to be false or phony. With me, what you see is what you get. That said, you don’t always want to see my kids melting down, or me screaming at my children. That’s not what you sit and scroll social media for. You come for an escape from that shit.
Plus, I DO have my secrets and I don’t want to share absolutely everything. Some things are only for my heart and that’s okay with me.
Emily: Secrets? What are those? I share everything, hence the title of this blog, haha. I suppose I have secrets too. Or, I’d like to live a life where I do things that I need to keep secret – because to me, that is a life worth living.
Tiffany: But orgasms – HELL YES!! We should be talking about those more. I’m IN on that topic, but you are right #society #manners, and also I give two shits about what most people think.
So, why exactly is it that most men have not caught on that the clitoris is where the magic happens? It’s not always about penetration, although that’s super nice too. Really, what is best is a combo of the two, right?
Emily: For sure, but the penetration part only after I’m fully warmed up. <Note, this is where we will lose most readers, and that’s okay!> If only we could talk about the fact that the secret to orgasms is… wait for it… foreplay. A lot of foreplay. Sometimes including visuals.
Tiffany: Foreplay. You may have to teach me then because I’m just always turned on. Foreplay for me is kissing and I don’t need much else if you are a good kisser. But also, it takes me a long while to orgasm. You’ve got to work for it….but it’s totally worth it! I’m worth it.
Emily note: Tiffany can attest to the fact that I read the following phrase “I’m always turned on” and just about LOST IT. How very amazing and UNFAIR! Anyhoo… back to orgasms.
Emily: I think it takes most of us a long time. You’re the second woman in my life who recently said it takes her a long while to get there. I think that’s TOTALLY NORMAL. I have only met one woman in my entire life who actually had to hold herself back because she wanted the sexy time to last longer. She knows who she is (if she’s reading this). And I always envied her because OMG.
Did you grow/shrink/change during the pandemic? I don’t mean physically, although you’re welcome to talk about that too.
Tiffany: Are we done talking about sex then? I like sex….and rum. Okay, moving on. You are kidding right?! I mean it’s a good question to ask but I feel like the answer for anyone would be yes. I want to give you the Frozen 2 Olaf version so that I don’t bore the shit out of you. Ready?!
Emily: Yes!
Tiffany: Turn 40, go to Disneyland. Pandemic whispers…..not really happening right?! Get on plane to Hawaii for family fun in the sun. Pandemic rages. Shit starts to hit the fan. Humor is thrown around to avoid reality. Laughter happens at chaos around toilet paper rush. Shit is totally all over the ceiling and fan. Husband decides to lock down family (it’s best for all). Wishing we would have bought toilet paper. All bidets are now sold out
Family time. Work goes out the window. Still getting dressed but why? More family time.
Crying in dark closet daily. Giving zero fucks about anything. Humor is gone. Toilet paper is gone. Winter is upon us.
It was at this point that something changed and shifted. Greg (Emily note – Greg is the hubster) and I had a serious conversation about mental health and how I wasn’t doing well. It was at this point that I started to open up and let more people in, and it made a huge difference. Ever so slowly I was able to start taking care of myself.
First, I found my business again and that helped me immensely with connecting to people that were thriving through this pandemic. I could see that it WAS possible to have your business, kids, school, and not be a puddle on the floor. Being the driven, competitive person I am, I knew that I could also do it and I didn’t want to be in a puddle on the floor anymore.
So, I started showing up again. Sharing my hurt, my pain, and my climb out of the fog. It’s really amazing what happens with the subtle shifts in mindset. We spoke earlier about daily gratitude, and when I sat down, even during those dark times, and surrounded myself with positive people that wanted more in life? I couldn’t help but show up each day a little better than the day before. Well, that plus sleep, moving my body, and of course a little rum.
You mentioned the physical part and that is a huge other story. I feel like the pandemic is one story, but my weight loss is a whole other story. It started long before the pandemic.
Emily: Makes sense. It is not a short story but it’s a cool one. Also cool? Tiffany is teaching me how to golf. Fun!
What else? Anything else you want to chat about?
Tiffany:Oooooh yes….I have a few good things up my sleeve but I’m going to have to hold those close to my heart for now. I’m not quite ready to open that box yet. Not enough foreplay Emily.
Emily: Bwah haha. I feel grateful that I’ve gotten to know you so much better over time, through your Facebook posts and also through your leadership of our kids’ Girl Scout troop. Thanks for teaching me how to hold a golf club – I look forward to trying it again soon!
Tiffany: Aww, don’t make me blush. It’s been a pleasure really. Something new and fun! I absolutely love your blog and I love that you have a following. People take time to read blogs and it amazes me….it shouldn’t really because you are fabulous.